
A Simple and Clean Flux AI Pipeline Workflow

Problem with Complex Workflows

When using Flux AI, it's easy for workflows to become tangled and complex. This makes tasks cumbersome and difficult to expand or modify.

Solution: Clean and Expandable Workflow

The key is a non-compact design that allows for easy modifications and expansions. The workflow includes essential elements like a LoRA stack loader and an Ultimate SD Upscale. Plans to integrate ControlNet are ongoing, aiming to maintain simplicity.

Resources and References

You can access the necessary resources and workflow examples through this GitHub link.

Detailed Tutorial and Effects

Initial Setup

  1. Download Workflow Elements: Go to the provided GitHub link and download the workflow elements.
  2. Importing into Flux AI: Load the image from the GitHub page into Comfy, and drag it to load the JSON settings. This visual method simplifies setup.

Operating the Workflow

  1. Utilizing Pipeline Elements: Pull down pipeline elements when needed and add any outputs to the main pipeline.
  2. Current Setup: The workflow includes a LoRA stack loader and Ultimate SD Upscale.
  3. Future Enhancements: ControlNet integration may be added, though care will be taken to avoid making it excessively complex.

Optimization Tips

Using Bus Nodes

  1. What is a Bus Node?: A bus node organizes information, bundling it together like a network patch panel.
  2. How to Use: Use bus nodes for main connections, reducing the need for multiple re-routes and making complex workflows more manageable.


  1. Purpose: Useful for picking which generation to save or upscale.
  2. Implementation: Can be added in place of a simple switch to delay upscaling until the desired image is chosen.

Applicable Scenarios

The workflow is versatile, suitable for:

  • Portraits: Lower resolution is sufficient.
  • Complex Compositions: Higher resolutions up to 1920x1024 are handled efficiently, ideal for detailed prompts.

Limitations and Drawbacks

  1. Direct High-Resolution Generation: Directly creating large images can result in odd details unless upscaling tricks like latent upscaling are used.
  2. ControlNet Addition: While useful, adding more features like ControlNet might complicate the workflow.


1. Why generate small images and then upscale?

Generating smaller images is faster and more efficient. If the output is satisfactory, upscaling saves time and computing resources.

2. How to pause the upscaling process in the workflow?

Group all upscaling nodes into one group and temporarily deactivate it. Once the desired base image is obtained, reactivate the group and continue.

3. What’s a bus node and how is it useful?

A bus node bundles various nodes together, organizing information and reducing workflow complexity.

4. Making the workflow user-friendly for ComfyUI beginners?

Add dynamic prompts by converting the "ClipTextEncodeFlux" widget to input and linking it to the new dynamic prompt node.

5. Alternatives to reroutes for input nodes?

Utilize bus nodes for main connections, keeping the workflow organized.

6. Avoiding manual dimension settings each time?

Use the "Empty Latent Size Picker" for consistent dimensions. Set override values to zero for preset use.

Additional User Questions

7. How to incorporate an on-off switch for Ultimate SD Upscale?

To control the Ultimate SD Upscale easily, click on the node and press Ctrl+B to bypass or Ctrl+M to mute it, allowing you to toggle the feature as needed.

8. Why does direct high-resolution generation create duplicate details?

Diffusion models generally output at specific resolutions. Generating larger images without upscaling can result in odd, duplicated details. Use upscaling tricks or stick to the model's optimized resolutions.

9. What if I prefer JSON files for workflow setup?

Currently, the workflow is available as images. Load these into Comfy to get JSON settings visually. This method simplifies comprehension and adjustments.

10. How to add dynamic prompt nodes effectively?

  1. Right-click on the "ClipTextEncodeFlux" node and select "Convert Widget to Input."
  2. Add a dynamic prompt node and connect its output to the newly created input node.

11. What are the limitations of using Flux for complex project generations?

While Flux handles higher resolutions, it is optimized for 2MP. It's better suited for structured compositions rather than spontaneous high-detail images.

12. Can I use this workflow for commercial purposes?

Flux AI is free to use but ensure to check licensing terms for commercial use.

This simple and clean Flux AI workflow provides a modular, easy-to-use approach for diverse image generation tasks. It’s designed to avoid complexity while ensuring flexibility and efficiency.