
ControlNets, Depth, and Upscaler for FLUX.1-dev

New ControlNets for FLUX.1-dev

Introduction to the New Tools

Flux AI has introduced new upscaler, depth, and normal maps ControlNets for FLUX.1-dev. These tools are now available on the Hugging Face hub. They aim to enhance image quality and add detailed control over various aspects of image generation.

Solution Offered by These Tools

The new ControlNets are designed to refine images significantly. With these tools, users can upscale images, control depth, and manage normal maps more effectively. This can potentially lead to much more accurate and realistic outputs.

Available Resources

Setup and Usage

Operating Details and Effects

  1. Select the Model: Choose the ControlNet model you need, such as upscaler, depth, or normals, from the Hugging Face repository.
  2. Load the Model: Load the chosen model into your environment. Use a compatible platform like Forge or integrate it into your existing workflow.
  3. Run Initial Tests: Before full implementation, run initial tests on small image samples to ensure optimal settings.
  4. Adjust Parameters: Based on initial results, tweak the parameters. For example, if using the upscaler, set the resolution limit to avoid memory overflow. You can modify code snippets like pipe.to('cuda') to pipe.enable_sequential_cpu_offload().

Optimization Methods

To optimize usage and circumvent memory issues:

  • Memory Management: Use smaller image samples initially and gradually increase the size. Enable sequential CPU offload if working with larger datasets.
  • Parameter Tuning: Adjust parameters like resolution and depth to balance quality and performance.

Ideal Scenarios for Use

These tools are ideal for various scenarios:

  • Creative Projects: Enhancing artwork, digital illustrations, and design projects requiring high detail.
  • Game Development: Adding detailed textures and realistic lighting effects in game assets.
  • Photography: Cleaning up and enhancing family photos or artistic photography, though be cautious with face changes.

Limitations and Drawbacks

  • Memory Issues: Users with less powerful GPUs may encounter out-of-memory errors. Optimizing settings and parameters can help mitigate this.
  • Image Distortion: Sometimes, the upscaler may change significant image elements, like faces, which may not be desirable for realistic photo editing.


1. How does the upscaler compare to Gigapixel?

Flux AI's upscaler and Gigapixel use different technologies. Flux AI might produce visually appealing images, while Gigapixel focuses on fidelity. Use based on task requirements.

2. Can I use these ControlNets with FLUX.1-s models?

Yes, but make sure to place them correctly in the ControlNet folder. Subfolder organization is more about convenience.

3. How do I handle memory issues with upscaling?

Enable sequential CPU offload or work within memory constraints of your GPU. Initial tests with smaller images can help identify the best settings.

4. Do these tools only work with Comfy?

No, these tools can work with other setups, but folder organization might vary. Ensure models are correctly placed for them to appear in your tool.

5. What do normal maps ControlNets do?

Normal maps ControlNets add detailed texture and lighting effects, enhancing depth and realism in images, suitable for game development and 3D rendering.

6. Can I use the upscaler on real-life photos?

Yes, but with caution. While it cleans up and enhances images, it might also change significant aspects, like faces, dramatically. Ideal for creative projects rather than realistic photo editing.

7. How do I implement this in a Python script?

Here's a basic example:

from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

model_id = "YOUR_MODEL_ID"
pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id)
pipeline = pipeline.to("cuda")  # or pipeline.enable_sequential_cpu_offload()

image = pipeline(prompt).images[0]

Replace "YOUR_MODEL_ID" and "YOUR_IMAGE_PROMPT" with your model and prompt respectively, and customize the code as needed.

8. What are the best practices for using these ControlNets?

  • Initial Tests: Always start with small samples.
  • Parameter Tweaking: Adjust settings based on initial outcomes.
  • Memory Management: Use appropriate memory management techniques to avoid overflows.

9. Can these tools be used for video processing?

Currently, these tools are optimized for static images. However, AI advancements in video processing might integrate similar technologies soon.

10. Are there tutorials available for beginners?

Yes, the Hugging Face hub and Flux AI documentation provide comprehensive tutorials and guides suitable for all levels of expertise. Follow step-by-step instructions for setup and usage.

Feel free to explore these new ControlNets and leverage their capabilities to elevate your creative projects!