
Flux AI Workflow for img2img with LoRA, ADetailer, and Upscaling

Understanding the Flux AI Workflow

Basic Workflow Overview

Flux AI, powered by the Flux.1 model from Black Forest Labs, excels at creating precise text, complex compositions, and realistic anatomical images. Users can choose from different model variants (dev, pro, schnell) tailored to their creative needs. Here's a simple workflow:

  1. Select a Model: Choose one of the variants (dev, pro, schnell) based on your requirements.
  2. Enter a Description: Provide a textual description of the image you want to generate.
  3. Generate Images: Click the generate button and let Flux AI work its magic.
  4. Review and Iterate: Assess the generated image and refine the description or settings if needed.

For commercial use, always check the licensing terms to ensure compliance.

Issues with ADetailer and Flux AI

Problem Identified: Users reported that ADetailer did not perform well with Flux AI. The output images looked too similar to the input images, and replacing specific facial features was not accurate.

Example: Using ADetailer to replace a random person's face with a celebrity face using a well-trained LoRA resulted in minimal change despite varying the Denoise value.

Solution Suggestions:

  • Increase Denoise: Experiment with higher Denoising values if the output changes are subtle.
  • Use Lower Resolutions: ADetailer works better with images around 1024x1024 pixels. Larger images tend to retain more of their original features.

Detailed Workflow Breakdown

  1. Initial img2img Step: Send your input image through a Flux img2img pass with a 0.60 Denoise value.
  2. ADetailer Refinement: Next, pass the output from the img2img step into ADetailer with a 0.50 Denoise value.

Insight: By skipping the initial img2img step, diagnosing ADetailer’s performance becomes easier. Testing showed that ADetailer's impact is more noticeable directly on face refinement rather than general changes, validating its role in enhancing facial details.

Practical Tips for Best Results

  • Adjust Denoise Levels: Slightly tweak the Denoise settings to observe different outputs and find the optimal setting.
  • Experiment with Upscaling: Utilize the Ultimate Upscaler to further refine your images. Ensure you download the necessary upscale model and adjust settings accordingly.
  • Test with Various Resolutions: Start with smaller images (~1024x1024) and test how the results vary with resolution changes.

How to Use Flux AI Effectively

Steps to Get Started

  1. Download Required Models: Ensure you have the necessary models (e.g., Ultimate Upscaler) downloaded.
  2. Adjust Denoise Settings: Start with a basic Denoise setting of 0.50 for ADetailer and adjust based on needs.
  3. Run Initial Workflow: Follow the basic workflow steps to get an initial set of images.
  4. Evaluate and Refine: Assess the generated images. If necessary, modify the description, change the model, or adjust the Denoise settings.

Tips for Advanced Users

  • Use Well-Trained LoRas: To achieve accurate face replacements, ensure your LoRA models are well-trained and suited for the specific target.
  • Leverage Model Variants: Experiment with different variants (dev, pro, schnell) to determine which one provides the best results for your specific use case.
  • Combine with Other Tools: Integrate tools like the Ultimate Upscaler for higher resolution and quality.


What is Flux AI?

Flux AI is an open-source image generation tool that excels in producing images with precise text, complex compositions, and realistic anatomy.

How do I improve results with ADetailer in Flux AI?

Increase the Denoise value and use images with resolutions around 1024x1024 for optimal performance. Always experiment with settings to find the best results.

Can I use Flux AI for commercial purposes?

Yes, but always check and comply with the specific licensing terms provided.

What are the differences between the model variants (dev, pro, schnell)?

Each variant caters to different creative needs. The 'dev' model might be more experimental, 'pro' for professional settings, and 'schnell' for quicker results. Try each to determine which fits your project best.

How can I use the Ultimate Upscaler with Flux AI?

Download the upscaler model, fine-tune the settings, and incorporate it into your workflow to enhance image resolution significantly.

How do I prevent artifacts like hair turning into ear cartilage during upscaling?

Lower the upscaling factor or adjust the denoise levels to mitigate such issues. Experiment with different settings to achieve smoother results.

What should I consider when using ADetailer directly?

ADetailer works best for face refinement, enhancing quality, and preserving details. For broad image changes, consider using it with img2img or other tools for better effects.