
FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix: Comprehensive Workflow Guide

FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix, Img2img, In- & Out- paint, Wildcards, LORAs, Ultimate SD Upscaler, ControlNet, Adetailer

What is FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix?


FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix is a robust image generation workflow that caters to high-resolution fixes, img2img, inpainting, outpainting, wildcards, LORAs, ultimate SD upscaler, ControlNet, and Adetailer optimizations. It is designed by Daedalus_7 and leverages the power of Flux.1 to deliver high-quality image outputs.

Model Details and Features

  • Model Name: FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix, Img2img, In- & Out- paint, Wildcards, LORAs, Ultimate SD Upscaler, ControlNet, Adetailer
  • Author: Daedalus_7
  • Published: 2024-08-02T22:35:56.945Z
  • Model ID: 618578
  • Model Type: Workflows
  • Features include Hi-Res fixes, image-to-image transformations, inpainting, outpainting, wildcards, use of LORAs, ultimate SD upscaler, ControlNet integration, and ADetailer enhancements.

Multiple versions of the model are available for download, each tailored for specific tasks, such as image-to-image transformations, high-res fixes, inpainting, outpainting, and more.

VersionBase ModelStepsEpochsClip SkipTrained WordsNameFile SizeDownload Link
Flux img2img 1.2Flux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_img2img_1_2.zip0.00 MBLink
Flux Ultimate 2.3Flux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_highrez-fix_2_3_Ultimate.zip0.01 MBLink
Flux Ultimate 2.3 LLMFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_highrez-fix_2_3_Ultimate_LLM.zip0.01 MBLink
SD to FLUX 2.3 UltimateFlux.1 DNoneNoneNonesdxl_2_flux_2_3_Ultimate.zip0.01 MBLink
Flux Inpainting 1.2Flux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_inpaint_1_2.zip0.00 MBLink
Flux Outpainting 1.1Flux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_outpainting_1_1.zip0.00 MBLink
SDXL inpainting 1.1SDXL 1.0NoneNoneNonesdxl_inpaint_1_1.zip0.00 MBLink
HighResFix 1.8 CN UpscaleFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_highres_upscaler_controlnet_1.8.zip0.01 MBLink
HighRes-Fix 1.8 CNFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_highres_controlnet_1.8.zip0.01 MBLink
text2img 1.3 CNFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_controlnet_1.3.zip0.01 MBLink
text2img 1.3 CN UpscaleFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_upscaler_controlnet_1.3.zip0.01 MBLink
text2img 1.3 AdetailerFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_1_3_adetailer.zip0.01 MBLink
SD to FLUX 1.3 Upscale CNFlux.1 DNoneNone2sdxl_2_flux_1.3 Upscale + CN.zip0.01 MBLink
SD to FLUX 1.3 CNFlux.1 DNoneNoneNonesdxl_2_flux_1.3 + CN.zip0.01 MBLink
Upscaler 1.0Flux.1 DNoneNoneNonesimple_upscale.zip0.00 MBLink
High-res Fix 1.3 LITEFlux.1 DNoneNoneNoneflux_text2img_highrez-fix_1.3.zip0.00 MBLink

Using FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix

Getting Started

  1. Update ComfyUI: Ensure your ComfyUI is updated using the provided .bat files.
  2. Install Node Manager: You’ll need Node Manager to install custom nodes from ComfyUI Manager.
  3. Download the .zip file and unzip it.
  4. Load the workflow: Drag the .json file into ComfyUI to start using the workflow. Note: dragging a picture might load an older version.

Green and Red Nodes

  • GREEN Nodes: Adjustable settings for customization.
  • RED Nodes: Recommended settings but open for experimentation.

Workflow Features


  • Directory: \ComfyUI\models\loras
  • Refresh ComfyUI after adding LORAs.


  • Directory: \ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Impact-Pack\wildcards
  • Refresh ComfyUI after adding Wildcards.
  • Wildcard Node Modes:
    • Populate Mode: Uses wildcards in prompts.
    • Fixed Mode: Regular prompts without wildcards.

LLM (Language Model)

  • Directory: \ComfyUI\modelsl\lm_gguf\
  • Can generate descriptive prompts from shorter ones.
  • Model Link: Mistral-7B-Instruct
  • Note: Heavy models may require significant system RAM.

ControlNet (CN)

  • Directory: \ComfyUI\models\controlnet
  • Ensure you restart ComfyUI after adding any CN model.
  • Best Depth Pre-processor: DepthAnythingv2
  • Best OpenPose Pre-processor: DWPreprocessor


  • Directories: \ComfyUI\models\ultralytics\bbox and \ComfyUI\models\ultralytics\segm
  • Enhances image details but may add many nodes (spaghetti nodes).

Ultimate SD Upscaler

  • Directory: \ComfyUI\models\upscale_models
  • Separate workflows for different use cases.

Resolution Chooser

  • Connect the preferred resolution box to latent_image.

Detailed Workflow Guides


  • Adds LORA support and image resolution settings.
  • Note: Using a person's LORA can change faces in img2img mode.

High-Res Ultimate (2.x & 2.x LLM)

  • Compatibility with all FLUX ControlNet models.
  • Multi-pass process involving text2img, HighRes Fix, ADetailer, and Ultimate SD Upscaler.
  • Adjust stages through node settings.

SD to FLUX Ultimate 2.x

  • Requires SD ControlNets.
  • Multi-step process with SD txt2img, Flux High-Res Fix, ADetailer, and Ultimate SD Upscaler.


  • Mask editor for targeted image inpainting.
  • Sampling from another image to inpaint specific parts.


  • Extends the image by up to 256 pixels per side.

Deprecated Workflows

  • High-Res Fix 1.3 LITE
  • High-Res Fix CN (Wildcards, Loras, ControlNet)
  • High-Res Fix CN + Upscale
  • text2img CN
  • text2img CN + Upscale
  • text2img Adetailer
  • SDXL to FLUX CN + Upscaler

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix?

It enhances image generation workflows with high-resolution fixes, img2img transformations, inpainting, outpainting, use of wildcards, LORAs, control nets, and ultimate SD upscalers.

2. How do I update ComfyUI?

Use the .bat files found in the update folder.

3. Where do I place the LORAs and Wildcards?

LORAs go in \ComfyUI\models\loras, and Wildcards go in \ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-Impact-Pack\wildcards.

4. Why do I need to refresh ComfyUI after adding models?

Refreshing ensures that the newly added models are correctly loaded and recognized by the system.

5. How do I avoid errors with ControlNet?

Ensure you use the correct ControlNet models for the given stage (either SD1.5 or SDXL) and that images match in size.

6. What should I do if I face issues with img2img generating unwanted tattoos?

Consider using inpainting or masking the areas with Photoshop and then using img2img to fix the masked areas.

By following these guides and utilizing the resources provided, users can maximize the capabilities and functionalities of the FLUX DEV Hi-Res Fix and its associated workflows.